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Queue Implementation in JavaScript / Algorithm and Data Structure

Reading time4 min
What do you imagine when you hear the word "Queue"? If you are not familiar with Programming you maybe think about the queue in shop or hospital. But if you are a programmer you associate it 99% with Data Structures and Algorithms. Whoever you are, today we will discuss how to implement Queue Data Structure in JavaScript and what are its differences with a simple Array. Let's get started!

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Total votes 5: ↑0 and ↓5-5

SLAE — SecurityTube Linux Assembly Exam

Reading time17 min
SecurityTube Linux Assembly Exam (SLAE) — is a final part of course:
This course focuses on teaching the basics of 32-bit assembly language for the Intel Architecture (IA-32) family of processors on the Linux platform and applying it to Infosec and can be useful for security engineers, penetrations testers and everyone who wants to understand how to write simple shellcodes.
This blog post have been created for completing requirements of the Security Tube Linux Assembly Expert certification.
Exam consists of 7 tasks:
1. TCP Bind Shell
2. Reverse TCP Shell
3. Egghunter
4. Custom encoder
5. Analysis of 3 msfvenom generated shellcodes with GDB/ndisasm/libemu
6. Modifying 3 shellcodes from shell-storm
7. Creating custom encryptor
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Total votes 4: ↑2 and ↓20

The Worst Mistakes In Mobile App Development

Reading time7 min

Alright, so you have just planned to hire developers for a Mobile App which could potentially steer your business ahead. The reasons for your decision would be quite obvious on the surface. Mobile App development is a core part of today’s businesses. It provides a near-perfect platform to serve customers through the portable devices they own.

But it’s easy to be a sheep! If you really try to understand this market, you’ll realize that more than half of the apps fail to earn revenue, and a significant amount of them barely cross 1,000 downloads. As per a Gartner report, it was found that barely 0.01 percent apps will find financial success by the year 2018.
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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

How to use Google docs offline with the new Microsoft Edge

Reading time1 min
New MS Edge is a promising Chrome flavour since Microsoft is really concerned with laptop battery life: most tests and benchmarks run against the «stock» browser in «stock» configuration. However, until recently it was hard for me to switch completely due to no «offline» support for Google office suite: doc, spreadsheet and slides. Fortunately, with the recent introduction of chrome extensions support it's now possible to put them offline with a few tricks!
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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

GoROBO: an educational initiative from the ITMO University startup accelerator

Reading time3 min
GoROBO is an ITMO University project through and through: one of the co-owners graduated our mechatronics MA program, and two other employees are current postgrad students.

Let’s talk about the educational environment they want to create, why they chose to build such an unusual startup, and what awaits GoROBO clubs in the future.

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Total votes 5: ↑5 and ↓0+5

Legacy Languages still Pretty Hard to Beat

Reading time3 min

Evolution and development have always been the integral parts of every sector you come across. Same is the case with programming languages. Numerous up gradations and invention of entirely new languages have divided the world of programming into legacy and modern. But no matter what, legacy programming still makes the foundation of many software, web applications and AI based techniques.
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Total votes 8: ↑6 and ↓2+4

Build apps for free with Azure Cosmos DB Free Tier

Reading time3 min
Looking to build a new app, develop and test, or run small production workloads with Azure Cosmos DB? Our new Free Tier makes it easy to get started with no cost and save money as you build and grow new apps.

With Azure Cosmos DB Free Tier enabled, you’ll get the first 400 RU/s throughput and 5 GB storage in your account for free each month, for the lifetime of the account. That means that you can start small and grow with confidence, knowing your app will be running on a high-performance database service. You’ll only pay if your account exceeds 400 RU/s and 5 GB. Additionally, if your app has a lot of containers you can create up to 25 containers in a shared throughput database and have them all share the free 400 RU/s. You can have up to one free tier Azure Cosmos DB account per Azure subscription.
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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

Analyze your builds programmatically with the C++ Build Insights SDK

Reading time4 min
We’re happy to announce today the release of the C++ Build Insights SDK, a framework that gives you access to MSVC build time information via C and C++ APIs. To accompany this release, we are making vcperf open source on GitHub. Because vcperf itself is built with the SDK, you can use it as a reference when developing your own tools. We’re excited to see what sort of applications you’ll be building with the SDK, and we’re looking forward to receiving your feedback!

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

Continuous integration and deployment for desktop apps with GitHub Actions

Reading time2 min
From speaking to desktop developers, we’ve heard that you want to learn how to quickly set up continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) workflows for your WPF and Windows Forms applications in order to take advantage of the many benefits CI/CD pipelines have to offer, such as:

  • Catch bugs early in the development cycle
  • Improve software quality and reliability
  • Ensure consistent quality of builds
  • Deploy new features quickly and safely, improving release cadence
  • Fix issues quickly in production by rolling forward new deployments

That’s why we created a sample application in GitHub to showcase DevOps for your applications using the recently released GitHub Actions.

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

New action to disrupt world’s largest online criminal network

Reading time3 min

Today, Microsoft and partners across 35 countries took coordinated legal and technical steps to disrupt one of the world’s most prolific botnets, called Necurs, which has infected more than nine million computers globally. This disruption is the result of eight years of tracking and planning and will help ensure the criminals behind this network are no longer able to use key elements of its infrastructure to execute cyberattacks.

A botnet is a network of computers that a cybercriminal has infected with malicious software, or malware. Once infected, criminals can control those computers remotely and use them to commit crimes. Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit, BitSight and others in the security community first observed the Necurs botnet in 2012 and have seen it distribute several forms of malware, including the GameOver Zeus banking trojan.
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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

[Interview] Top Programming Trends And Practical Advice to Follow in The New Decade

Reading time3 min

Image credit: Unsplash

What will the future bring to the programming world? Are there any specific technologies that will rise and fall? Which programming language one should learn to succeed in their career? What should a newbie programmer know and understand to build a successful career in the 2020s?

I had the opportunity to sit down and talk about these issues in greater detail with Vitaly Kukharenko, a CTO with 10+ years of experience and creator of several high load startups.
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Total votes 9: ↑7 and ↓2+5

What would be the future of Android in 2020?

Reading time4 min
Android has always been on the top of the hustle when you think about mobile application development. Android’s smartphone OS Market Share now hovers around 85%. Furthermore, volumes are expected to grow at a five-year CAGR of 2.4%, with shipments approaching 1.41 billion in 2022.


Source: Google Images

But before you took the plunge in exploring and riding on the waves of changes or hire an android app developer to develop an app, it is important to understand the trends and its implications on the android application development ecosystem.
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Developing and deploying Python for secured environments with Kushal Das

Reading time7 min
Here is the translated Russian version of this interview.

The company of speakers at Moscow Python Conf++ 2020 is great, and it's not a good luck but thorough Program Committee's work. But who cares about achievements, it's much more interesting what the speaker thinks about our own questions. Conferences suits good to find it out, get insider information or advice from an experienced developer. But I got an advantage of being in Program Committee so I already asked our speaker Kushal Das some questions.

A unique feature of Kushal's speeches is that he often unveils «secret» ways to break Python code and then shows how to write code so that the NSA can't hack it. At our conference Kushal will tell you how to safely develop and deploy Python code. Of course I asked him about security.

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Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

Announcing Universal Print: a cloud-based print solution

Reading time2 min
Commercial and educational customers moving to the cloud with Microsoft 365 have long needed a simple, easy print experience for their employees. Today we are happy to announce a private preview of Universal Print, a Microsoft cloud-based print infrastructure that will enable a simple, rich and secure print experience for users and help reduce time and effort for IT.

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

Announcing PowerShell 7.0

Reading time5 min
Today, we’re happy to announce the Generally Available (GA) release of PowerShell 7.0! Before anything else, we’d like to thank our many, many open-source contributors for making this release possible by submitting code, tests, documentation, and issue feedback. PowerShell 7 would not have been possible without your help.

What is PowerShell 7?

For those unfamiliar, PowerShell 7 is the latest major update to PowerShell, a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e.g. JSON, CSV, XML, etc.), REST APIs, and object models. PowerShell includes a command-line shell, object-oriented scripting language, and a set of tools for executing scripts/cmdlets and managing modules.
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Total votes 5: ↑5 and ↓0+5

WAL in PostgreSQL: 1. Buffer Cache

Reading time13 min
The previous series addressed isolation and multiversion concurrency control, and now we start a new series: on write-ahead logging. To remind you, the material is based on training courses on administration that Pavel pluzanov and I are creating (mostly in Russian, although one course is available in English), but does not repeat them verbatim and is intended for careful reading and self-experimenting.

This series will consist of four parts:

Many thanks to Elena Indrupskaya for the translation of these articles into English.

Why do we need write-ahead logging?

Part of the data that a DBMS works with is stored in RAM and gets written to disk (or other nonvolatile storage) asynchronously, i. e., writes are postponed for some time. The more infrequently this happens the less is the input/output and the faster the system operates.

But what will happen in case of failure, for example, power outage or an error in the code of the DBMS or operating system? All the contents of RAM will be lost, and only data written to disk will survive (disks are not immune to certain failures either, and only a backup copy can help if data on disk are affected). In general, it is possible to organize input/output in such a way that data on disk are always consistent, but this is complicated and not that much efficient (to my knowledge, only Firebird chose this option).

Usually, and specifically in PostgreSQL, data written to disk appear to be inconsistent, and when recovering after failure, special actions are required to restore data consistency. Write-ahead logging (WAL) is just a feature that makes it possible.
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Total votes 4: ↑3 and ↓1+2