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Конференции Олега Бунина (Онтико)
Конференции Олега Бунина
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Developing and deploying Python for secured environments with Kushal Das

Reading time7 min
Here is the translated Russian version of this interview.

The company of speakers at Moscow Python Conf++ 2020 is great, and it's not a good luck but thorough Program Committee's work. But who cares about achievements, it's much more interesting what the speaker thinks about our own questions. Conferences suits good to find it out, get insider information or advice from an experienced developer. But I got an advantage of being in Program Committee so I already asked our speaker Kushal Das some questions.

A unique feature of Kushal's speeches is that he often unveils «secret» ways to break Python code and then shows how to write code so that the NSA can't hack it. At our conference Kushal will tell you how to safely develop and deploy Python code. Of course I asked him about security.

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Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

How Kiwi test 1'000 Python projects

Reading time5 min
For Russian speaking posted translated version here.

This is how Alex Viscreanu’s talk on Moscow Python Conf++ named. Now it's two weeks till before the conference, but of course, I've already heard what Alex will speak about. Find below some spoilers and talk preparing backstage: what kind of an open source Zoo developed in Kiwi, how it tests Python code and what’s the difference between The Zoo and for example mypy.

— Tell us a bit about Kiwi, yourself and what is your work within a company?

Kiwi.com is an online travel agency based in Czech Republic. We aim to make travelling as simple and accessible as possible. The company was founded in 2012 as Skypicker, and since then it has become one of the five biggest online sellers of airline tickets in Europe. It was renamed to Kiwi.com in 2016.

The special feature that we, at Kiwi.com, offer is the virtual interlining, which allows us to connect flights from companies that don’t usually cooperate together, and we are covering the possible connection issues caused by delayed flights.

Some of the numbers that we manage at Kiwi.com include 90 000 000+ daily searches, 25 000 seats sold daily, and a total of 15 000 000 000+ flight combinations available.
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Total votes 17: ↑15 and ↓2+13


11–30 employees