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Ansible: CoreOS to CentOS, 18 months long journey

Reading time4 min

There was a custom configuration management solution.

I would like to share the story about a project. The project used to use a custom configuration management solution. Migration lasted 18 months. You can ask me 'Why?'. There are some answers below about changing processes, agreements and workflows.

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How to Prepare a Game for Localization? 10 Basic Rules

Reading time8 min

Should you act first and think later, or vice versa? Knowing these little tricks when designing your game could save you a fortune.

We’ve written this article as a tribute to numerous questions from our clients.

What’s wrong with my game? Why isn’t localization enough? How can we fix it?

Cutting corners when bootstrapping a new game is a widely-used strategy. And it might even be an efficient one, as long as you aren’t planning to grow incrementally.

However, shortly after the long-awaited local release is in the bag, most game developers start thinking about how to attract more international gamers. And sooner or later, after taking a crack at promoting their game in more countries, they come up with several ideas for localization.

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