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Top 10 eCommerce Platforms to Boost Business Productivity in 2021

Reading time7 min

An eCommerce platform empowers startups, SMEs, and large enterprises to manage multiple online business processes such as website, marketing, sales, and operations.

The top eCommerce platforms handle online business tasks efficiently, and this finally helps enterprises in expanding their productivity.

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VeChain Has Introduced Blockchain-Based Healthcare Data Management Platform At Cyprus Hospital

Reading time5 min

Blockchain possesses incredible potential, that's why blockchain systems are considered as a paradise for data. In all these years, the discovery of Blockchain has been enjoyed for the introduction of distributed systems to secure data by cryptography.

From the creation of cryptocurrency to distributed ledger systems and mobile applications, this technology is being welcomed by every business vertical, and its adoption has become complimentary for companies. Moreover, its adoption can majorly be cherished by the healthcare industry.

A number of IT institutions are engaged in finding the most promising usage of blockchain technology in healthcare. Let's take a brief look at Blockchain adoption in 2020.

The Global Blockchain Adoption

In 2020, the worldwide spending on blockchain systems is USD 4.3 billion. As per Statista, the market of Blockchain will be worth 20 billion USD by the year 2025. Its most critical adoption can be seen in the healthcare industry, where this technology is being considered as the biggest game-changer.

The truth is that this technology has shown a path to distributed systems coupled with unmatched security measures That secure data in a chain of blocks infused with cryptographic locks. Top-notch level security and quality of not being tempered by any external entity boost its adoption in several instances.
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7 Best Fitness Apps For Android Users

Reading time4 min
The excuses from the series “to want, but not to do” are known: “I’ll start from Monday,” “a subscription to fitness is expensive,” “there is nobody to go with”… It’s probably worth fighting with them yourself.

But for those who want to start putting themselves in order, we conducted an examination of mobile applications for sports and identified the best among them. According to the results of the study of mobile fitness applications, a rating has been compiled that you can (and should!) Use when choosing a pocket assistant for training.

We present you 7 fitness apps for Android, which received the highest overall score after checking for 100+ parameters.
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Guide for entrepreneurs to launch an on-demand grocery delivery app amid the coronavirus pandemic

Reading time4 min

After the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Instacart, a popular online grocery platform, hired 300,000 workers to meet the demands of the people. In addition, they are planning to hire 250,000 more. Such is the demand for online grocery platforms nowadays. People are in self-isolation with restricted outdoor movements. The fear of contracting the disease is so high that people are looking for alternative ways even to access essential services. As a result, smartphone applications are gaining increased attention from people all over the world.
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Porting packages to buildroot using the Zabbix example

Reading time16 min

The basics of porting

Originally, Buildroot offers a limited number of packages. It makes sense — there is everything you need, but any other packages can be added.

To add a package, create 2 description files, an optional checksum file, and add a link to the package in the general package list. There are hooks at different stages of the build. At the same time, Buildroot can recognize the needed type of packages:

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

Looking for a Zoom alternative?Here are the best suggestions for videoconferencing apps

Reading time5 min

As much of the world works from home amid COVID-19 lockdowns and ‘shelter in place’ restrictions, video call and conferencing apps have experienced a significant surge in user numbers. From top business executives to scientists and government officials, the employed across industries and roles have moved operations online and onto video conferencing apps such as Zoom.

The dark side of this change is that video calls have also become a playground for phishermen and ‘Zoombombers’. This development was recently experienced by Zoom users, who took to the internet to allege that Zoom vulnerability windows were compromised and ‘Zoom is not safe to use’.

In March alone, the number of Zoom users saw a whopping 535% increase, with its iPhone app being the most downloaded for weeks at a stretch. However, reports of security disasters and Zoom privacy issues saw the brand’s credibility snowballing at an alarming pace. Despite the company CEO stepping up to the plate and ramping up privacy measures, professionals continue to debate on whether the Zoom privacy and security issues, that risked data of millions, can be quickly resolved.

What went wrong?
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Top IT Consulting Companies In India and USA For Tech Professionals

Reading time8 min

The race to become the best IT consulting firm has been at its peak for the last few years. Each and every business requires a top technology consulting company for implementing its IT and development strategy. However, they find it tedious and perplexing to pick one according to their needs, budget, time, and so on; because it can determine the future of their business. And because of an outbreak like COVID-19 existing business continuity plans aren't capable of handling the unknown variables of business. 
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Total votes 1: ↑0 and ↓1-1

How HealthTech Startups Are Leveraging Tech To Combat COVID19?

Reading time4 min
Source: Google Images

The world has taken aback through the global pandemic of Novel Coronavirus or Covid19. With the spontaneous outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic worldwide, most of us are self-quarantined and taking precautionary measures. The situation is further amplified with an ongoing economic slowdown.

However, our healthcare industries, startups and front-line medical professionals & staff haven't taken a step back in dealing with the pandemic through innovative healthcare measures that can effectively combat and procure ailing patients from Coronavirus outbreak.
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Total votes 4: ↑2 and ↓20

Android 11: What to Expect From the Latest Android Update?

Reading time4 min
Source: Google Images

The latest Android 10 update has already created a stir in the Android circuit. However, tech enthusiasts around the world are waiting for the latest addition in Android's operating system.

Yes, you heard it right, I am talking about the Android 11 update, the latest upgrade in the Android’s operating system.

The update has been expected to hit the floors in the official reveal of Android 11 in mid-2020, at Google IO 2020 which will run May 12-14, before being released for Pixel devices in the month of September, and then it will be rolled out for other Android devices from late 2020 through well into 2021.
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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓1+2

Technology Stack To Follow in 2020 For Startups

Reading time5 min

JavaScript, CSS, and HTML are some of the main technologies that help you to build robust app solutions. So, if you are looking to build smart web applications for your business, then I advise you to jump to my idea of cross-platform and open-source development frameworks right away.

Here is the list of the tech stacks for app developers to use in 2020.
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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

The Worst Mistakes In Mobile App Development

Reading time7 min

Alright, so you have just planned to hire developers for a Mobile App which could potentially steer your business ahead. The reasons for your decision would be quite obvious on the surface. Mobile App development is a core part of today’s businesses. It provides a near-perfect platform to serve customers through the portable devices they own.

But it’s easy to be a sheep! If you really try to understand this market, you’ll realize that more than half of the apps fail to earn revenue, and a significant amount of them barely cross 1,000 downloads. As per a Gartner report, it was found that barely 0.01 percent apps will find financial success by the year 2018.
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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Legacy Languages still Pretty Hard to Beat

Reading time3 min

Evolution and development have always been the integral parts of every sector you come across. Same is the case with programming languages. Numerous up gradations and invention of entirely new languages have divided the world of programming into legacy and modern. But no matter what, legacy programming still makes the foundation of many software, web applications and AI based techniques.
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Total votes 6: ↑4 and ↓2+4

5 Top Software Development Companies in the USA For Retail Startups

Reading time7 min

PIM software or product information management represents a solution for e-commerce businesses where they can consolidate all of their product information into a single place.

PIM software implementations generally provide support for challenges related to:

  • Handling multi-language data
  • Multiple geographic locations
  • Modification of product information within a product catalog
  • Managing product information to be scattered throughout business processes

While PIM software handles most of the e-commerce challenges, it also works as an efficient tool that powers – omnichannel experience, product expansion to new markets, increased conversion rates, superior customer experiences, decreasing the number of product returns, and faster time-to-market.

In general, product information management or PIM software is a set of business applications focused on managing product information for use across an e-commerce business from the supply chain to managing customers, product presentation, data handling, and catalog management.
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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

PHP Best Practices to Follow in 2020

Reading time10 min

Web development trends seem to be heading more towards server-side scripting languages over client-side scripting languages. And it can be difficult to decide where to start and what to choose.

This year W3techs.com, a web technology survey portal, released a list of the five most in-demand server-side programming languages for web development.

Here is the list:
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Total votes 4: ↑0 and ↓4-4

How to Wrap Up a Software Development Project the Right Way

Reading time3 min
Does the New Year have you scrambling to wrap up last year’s software development projects? Don’t archive your Jira tickets and Trello boards too quickly!

A good rule of thumb in software development is that your next software project should always be better than your last. Why? Because the lessons you learn and take away from each project should be continuously documented and applied in future projects.

In the words of Rachel Green, every good project should end with closure.


Follow this quick and easy 6-step guide to ensure that you wrap up your software project efficiently and effectively.

6 Steps for Successfully Wrapping up a Software Development Project

1. Document future needs

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Total votes 6: ↑6 and ↓0+6

How Ecommerce Fueled By the Pillars of AI Technology

Reading time4 min

At present, we see artificial intelligence is implemented across the corridors of business operations and also the way we shop and trade online. To hit a home run in the retail game, genius AI applications, PIM solutions, and e-commerce development tools are now offering smart solutions: predictive analysis, recommendation engines, inventory management, and warehouse automation to create a more profitable shopping experience for consumers.

Now more than ever, e-commerce is an AI innovation game

Artificial Intelligence often sometimes seems complicated to newbies but in reality, it is simple in use and gives you the ability to predict customer needs. This paves the way for e-commerce companies to become a “big brand” or “big business” with revolutionary AI tools.

Now that AI algorithms making way for consumer acceptance of AI like never before, how can you use it to create more profitable outcomes in e-commerce?

Interesting E-commerce Stats:

With an estimated global population of 7.7 billion, 25 percent of people shopping through e-commerce stores. According to Statista, 52% of e-commerce stores will have omnichannel capabilities by 2020 which means they can communicate and sell with their consumers via multiple channels. For example, they can use their e-commerce website, Facebook e-shop, email account, and Instagram account.

Examples of AI tools and PIM software for e-commerce businesses that can help them have a high bar on customer service and marketing:
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Total votes 1: ↑0 and ↓1-1

Creating a taxi booking business in Dubai: How to launch customer-centric taxi app like Careem & Hala?

Reading time4 min

Dubai has been an extra-ordinary territory when it comes to adopting technology and the offshoots of any innovation. It might be surprising for everyone to know that Dubai, which today stands as an epicenter of modernity had just 13 registered cars in 1989.

Dubai is quite an oxymoron. In spite of its global image, Dubai has an affinity for homegrown Brands. This mindset is not just confined to the Emirates but to the whole of the Middle East, stretching right from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓1+2

PHP Vs ASP.NET: How to Choose the Right One?

Reading time6 min

Are you a business owner looking for PHP web development services or ASP.Net development services, but unable to decide the right technology for your project? Are you looking for the pros and cons of ASP.Net and PHP to take an effective decision?  I have tried to make this task easy for you by comparing ASP.Net and PHP in a very simple way.

There are a number of articles and blogs available over the Internet with a large amount of information about PHP Vs ASP.NET. Unfortunately, most of these blog posts are biased and typically based on promoting one over the other.  

In this blog post, I have done an unbiased comparison between the two most popular technologies i.e. PHP and ASP.NET in today’s world. 

On one side, we have PHP, the world’s most used and popular technology on the internet with billions of dedicated PHP developers across the world. On the other side, we have ASP.NET, a Microsoft platform. Sometimes, it becomes quite difficult to have a clear decision about which technology (Php or Asp.net) should we prefer for our application or website development project? 

Here is an elaborative comparison guide that helps you figure out the best technology for your next web app development project. I can assure you that after reading this article, you’ll have a clear idea about which technology suits you better. Moreover, you can share your thoughts and feedback in our comment box. We welcome your positive feedback for appreciating our work. Also, I will be happy to hear from you if you want us to do some improvements to my article.    
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Total votes 10: ↑4 and ↓60

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