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Node.JS *

Open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside the browser

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Here’s How to Update Node.js Via Visual Studio, NPM, Windows/Mac

Reading time4 min

I hope that you will find Node version 12 new capabilities compelling and soon you will upgrade your app to it.

In turn, you will get advanced debugging, intelligent coding with the powerful IntelliSense engine, interactive window, quick tracking of performance issues, unit testing, typescript integration, source control, cloud integration, and npm integration.

To get started in this walkthrough, this post captures the steps on how to update Node.js in Visual Studio, Windows/macOS, and NPM.
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Total votes 5: ↑5 and ↓0+5

It's high time to become part of an open source project

Reading time1 min
JavaScript developers, I am working on an exciting opensource project pursuing two goals:

  1. Learning best practices in JavaScript/NodeJS
  2. Helping developers and myself to develop and launch MVPs to validate ideas quickly.

As developers, we have tons of ideas and would be awesome to have a simple tool to scaffold a secure project quickly, add a couple of forms, some project specific logic, and here you go — deploy and test your idea.
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Total votes 7: ↑6 and ↓1+5

Generating multi-brand multi-platform icons with Sketch and a Node.js script — Part #2

Reading time16 min

This is the second part of a post about the creation of a pipeline that can take a Sketch file and export all the icons included in the file, in different formats, for different platforms, with the possibility of AB testing each icon.

You can read the first part of the post here.

The Sketch files, with all the icons collected, styled and properly named, were ready. Now it was time to start writing the code.

Suffice to say, the process was very much a trial and error: after the important initial code core, developed by my team lead Nikhil Verma (who set the script foundations), I went through an incremental process that required at least three phases of refactoring and quite a few revisions. For this reason, I won’t go into too much detail on how the script was developed, but rather focus on how the script works today, in its final shape.
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Total votes 23: ↑22 and ↓1+21

Generating multi-brand multi-platform icons with Sketch and a Node.js script — Part #1

Reading time10 min


Using a custom build script in Node JS, it is possible to manipulate a series of Sketch files, and then, using an internal Sketch tool, automatically export their assets, to generate multiple icon libraries, for multiple platforms and different brands, that support dynamic colourisation of the assets via design tokens, and also AB testing of the assets via naming convention. Easy peasy :)

Well, actually it’s not that easy, but it can certainly be done. This post is a detailed explanation of how we did it, and what we discovered along the way.

The problem we were trying to solve

At Badoo we build a dating app. Actually, multiple dating apps. For multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Mobile Web, Desktop Web), across multiple teams.

We use hundreds of icons in our apps. Some of them are the same across different apps, some are very specific to the brands the apps reflect. The icons are continuously evolving, in sync with the evolution of the design. Sometimes completely new icons are added, while others get updated, and still others get dropped (although, they often remain in the codebase).
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Total votes 30: ↑29 and ↓1+28

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