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Augmented Reality: A perfect vehicle for 21st-century education

Reading time4 min
With the advancements in technology, new ways are being explored and introduced to make teaching and learning more productive. This has taken the e-learning industry to new heights. It has been expected that the global e-learning market revenue will reach $300 billion by 2025.
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Total votes 1: ↑0 and ↓1-1

Hypercube. How we gave developers test devices without losing any

Reading time11 min
You can’t properly test and debug mobile apps without test devices, which there should be plenty of considering how the same code may behave differently on different models. So how do we keep track of these devices? How do we quickly provide developers and testers with the smartphones they need, configured the way they need, and without much red tape?

I’m Alexey Lavrenuke. Over the years, I’ve worn many hats: one of the authors behind Yandex.Tank, a speaker on load testing, and the guy who calculated energy consumption by mobile phones. Now I’m a Yandex.Rover developer on the self-driving car team.

After the phones and before Yandex.Rover, there was Hypercube.

A few years ago, the head of mobile development popped in to the load testing department and mentioned a problem they were having with test devices: phones had a tendency to inexplicably migrate from one desk to another. Picking the right device and then finding it had become a challenge. We already experienced working with mobile devices from building a digital ammeter to calculate energy consumption, so we decided to help our coworkers out and quickly rig up a handy contraption. We figured the whole thing wouldn’t take more than three months. Oh how wrong we were. Let me tell you what we were really in for.

''Dallas cube''
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Total votes 7: ↑6 and ↓1+11

PHP Best Practices to Follow in 2020

Reading time10 min

Web development trends seem to be heading more towards server-side scripting languages over client-side scripting languages. And it can be difficult to decide where to start and what to choose.

This year W3techs.com, a web technology survey portal, released a list of the five most in-demand server-side programming languages for web development.

Here is the list:
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Total votes 4: ↑0 and ↓4-4

Is interactivity a major factor for an app’s success?

Reading time4 min
Psychology plays an important role in the success of any marketing strategy. Attracting people to your app needs the right psychological approach. Human behaviors are highly crucial which are required to be considered while forming strategies.

Simplest thing in application affects their interactivity greatly. For example, even the number of notifications, as well as the time at which they will be sent, have a strong impact. According to a survey, 60% of respondents have a preference for what time of day they receive notifications.

This indicates that the way an app will communicate with users will have an immense effect on its success or failure. Do you know what are the factors that affect the interactivity of your app? Apart from that, how can you make an app interactive?
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Total votes 7: ↑7 and ↓0+7

How to Plan a Winning Product Strategy

Reading time5 min

How do we know when a product is solving a significant problem in a growing market? Do we need to build a brand and defend it with barriers against competitors? Read further in this article.

Notes on Des Traynor’s talk from Web Summit on developing a product strategy based on his experience at Intercom. The original article has been written by Vit Myshlaev and translated by Alconost.

How do you know when you’re really solving a significant problem?

If you can’t answer in the affirmative to the below three questions regarding your product, it makes no sense to move forward:

  • It is viable. Can it make money?
  • It is feasible. Can it be done?
  • It is desirable. Does anyone want it?
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Top 10 Mobile Application Development companies startups can partner with in 2020

Reading time6 min

In the current business landscape, it is important for small and mid-scale organizations to adopt modern app development strategies in order to win the race. Innovative mobile application development solutions provided by top mobile app development companies are the success fruits for any business.

As per Statista, mobile app programmers have developed apps for various business verticals viz. sports games, ride-hailing, taxi-apps, and video apps in the year 2019. There are about 2.46 million apps available in the Google play store as of Q2 2019.

But finding a company that can deliver cost-effective mobile application services could be a daunting task for many business owners as they have to pour their time as well as their efforts. Keeping this in mind, I have encapsulated a list of top 10 mobile app development companies that would surely help grow your business.

The list given below is prepared by taking care of various parameters like google search, company's portfolio, reviews of the clients, ratings from firms like Clutch, Goodfirms, and Youtube.

Find the list below:

1) Mobcoder

Project Cost: $5,000+

Locale: Seattle, WA

Rating on Clutch: 5.0

It is a leading app development company providing useful mobile application development solutions to its clients since 2014. Hire mobile application developers from this company as they build solutions, map a strategy and elevate product experience with their amazing product delivery. They work on all the latest technologies including Flutter, Ionic, Kotlin etc. Hence, they build innovative mobile application development solutions for their clientele.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

App ideas to generate revenues for startups in 2019 & beyond

Reading time4 min
Every other person is establishing a startup these days. Is it easy to make it work? Do you know what is the success rate of startups? You would be shocked to know that out of the total startups launched in the year 2014, only 56% of them could make it to the fifth year, i.e. 2018.

Every entrepreneur starts a business with a vision to take it to exceptional heights. The bitter truth is, no matter in which industry domain you are working, you cannot survive for long if you do not perform extraordinarily.
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How Ecommerce Fueled By the Pillars of AI Technology

Reading time4 min

At present, we see artificial intelligence is implemented across the corridors of business operations and also the way we shop and trade online. To hit a home run in the retail game, genius AI applications, PIM solutions, and e-commerce development tools are now offering smart solutions: predictive analysis, recommendation engines, inventory management, and warehouse automation to create a more profitable shopping experience for consumers.

Now more than ever, e-commerce is an AI innovation game

Artificial Intelligence often sometimes seems complicated to newbies but in reality, it is simple in use and gives you the ability to predict customer needs. This paves the way for e-commerce companies to become a “big brand” or “big business” with revolutionary AI tools.

Now that AI algorithms making way for consumer acceptance of AI like never before, how can you use it to create more profitable outcomes in e-commerce?

Interesting E-commerce Stats:

With an estimated global population of 7.7 billion, 25 percent of people shopping through e-commerce stores. According to Statista, 52% of e-commerce stores will have omnichannel capabilities by 2020 which means they can communicate and sell with their consumers via multiple channels. For example, they can use their e-commerce website, Facebook e-shop, email account, and Instagram account.

Examples of AI tools and PIM software for e-commerce businesses that can help them have a high bar on customer service and marketing:
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Total votes 1: ↑0 and ↓1-1

How to Localize an App or Game? Top Ten Free E-learning Sources

Reading time4 min

The new year means new plans and new prospects. And if you were considering localizing your product last year, it might be the right time to take action instead of postponing it indefinitely.

That’s why we at Alconost have prepared a list of free e-learning resources that are sure to help explore the topic of localization and ultimately equip you to manage the whole process on your own. We use some of these courses for our internal training, and we hope you like them, too.

We’ve arranged the e-learning resources in an order that consecutively mirrors the localization process. We recommend that you go down the list step by step for best results.

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Introducing Java 13: Let's dive Into JDK's New Features

Reading time5 min

Java has been a programmer’s dream and what’s the better way to quantify Java’s popularity with the new version release Java 13. After the initial Java enhancement proposal, there have been advancements in JDK features that will blow up Java developer’s mind with a new range of features after the official release on September 17, 2019.

But Why do you think Java is so popular?

Java has been a craze among programmers due to its platform independence and the ability to run on different computers. It has been there for so long that it has been adopted by organizations like banks, insurance companies, enterprises, agencies and mostly by software outsourcing companies.

Java has been there in the business to develop android apps, java web applications, software tools, and scientific applications.

Let us delve into the stats and gauge the popularity ratio of Java applications among other competing programming languages.
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Total votes 3: ↑2 and ↓1+1

Here's an Update on Flutter 1.9 Release Coupled With Dart 2.5 Programming

Reading time5 min

Recently during the Google Developer Days Conference in China that was held on September 10, 2019, Flutter 1.9 was released along with the updated Dart 2.5 programming language.h

The major highlights from the conference can be summed into three major points:

  • Google has announced Dart 2.5 programming update and a new Flutter 1.9 Version upgrade.
  • Dart 2.5 will support calling C code and intelligent code completion.
  • Flutter 1.9 will support iOS 13, macOS Catalina, and new Material widgets.

In this blog, I am going to discuss the major pointers in detail for you to understand the highlights and updates in detail!

Let’s begin!

What’s in store for Dart 2.5 as a programming language?

Dart is a Google borne programming language that has been used to develop mobile, web and desktop based applications. It is an object-oriented, class defined, garbage collected language with a C-style syntax, which is used to optionally compile into JavaScript.

The latest version of Dart 2.5 comes with these major highlights:

-> Support for Calling C Code straight through Dart using Dart FFI Library:

Developers who have knowledge about low-level programming languages will be excited from this announcement. The event also saw the launch of dart:ffi library, the preview of which allows calling into C code directly from Dart and Flutter.
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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

Top programming languages for Android App development in 2020

Reading time5 min
Do you have any idea how many Android apps are there in the world? As of 2019’s first quarter, there were approximately 2.6 million android apps around the globe. That’s a huge number which leads to stiff competition in the market.

There is no other option other than offering a robust and efficient Android app to survive in this flourishing industry. The selection of the right tech-stack is highly important if you want to get a flawless development of your Android app.
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Total votes 4: ↑1 and ↓30

Top 5 ReactJS Development Companies

Reading time6 min

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library designed by Facebook for developing rich and engaging web apps efficiently and quickly with minimal coding.

The core task of ReactJS is providing the best possible rendering performance. Its strength comes from the focus on the individual elements. Instead of working on the complete web app, ReactJS allows a programmer to break down the complex UI into simpler elements.

As per a survey conducted by The State of Javascript, React JS has surpassed Angular and others in becoming the most loved Javascript library.


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Total votes 3: ↑1 and ↓2+1

Creating a taxi booking business in Dubai: How to launch customer-centric taxi app like Careem & Hala?

Reading time4 min

Dubai has been an extra-ordinary territory when it comes to adopting technology and the offshoots of any innovation. It might be surprising for everyone to know that Dubai, which today stands as an epicenter of modernity had just 13 registered cars in 1989.

Dubai is quite an oxymoron. In spite of its global image, Dubai has an affinity for homegrown Brands. This mindset is not just confined to the Emirates but to the whole of the Middle East, stretching right from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓1+2

Ecommerce Tech Trends 2020: Era of Immersive Technologies

Reading time7 min

Technologies like AI, VR/AR, Cryptocurrency, IoT will take center stage in 2020 and also form as the backbone of tomorrow’s ecommerce tech innovation. Beyond the sales and revenue focused world of ecommerce, 2020 ecommerce tech trends will provide the capability to create new software solutions, mobile apps, and services that will lead to creating a richer and more satisfying shopping experience.
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Get Moving with Xamarin.Forms 4.4

Reading time4 min
We were speaking with a customer last year that builds dozens of mobile applications every year. They said, «We cannot remember the last time we made a mobile app that did NOT include a carousel view.» Many of you have expressed almost identical sentiments to us. So, we are very pleased to introduce a new CarouselView control in Xamarin.Forms 4.4.0. Along with this we also have IndicatorView for displaying the pages or items in the carousel. As well as SwipeView for providing contextual actions to any element in a CollectionView. The release theme of getting things moving would not be complete without showcasing the new GIF animation support for images. Let’s begin right there.

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

Where Do Mojibakes Come From? Essentials of Encodings

Reading time9 min

This article explores the basic concepts behind character encoding and then takes a dive deeper into the technical details of encoding systems.

If you have just a basic knowledge of character encoding and want to better understand the essentials, the differences between encoding systems, why we sometimes end up with nonsense text, and the principles behind different encoding system architecture, then read on.

Getting to understand character encoding in detail requires some extensive reading and a good chunk of time. I’ve tried to save you some of that effort by bringing it all together in one place while providing what I believe to be a pretty thorough background of the topic.

I’m going to go over how single-byte encodings (ASCII, Windows-1251 etc.) work, the history of how Unicode came to be, the Unicode-based encodings UTF-8, UTF-16 and how they differ, the specific features, compatibility, and lack thereof among various encodings, character encoding principles, and a practical guide to how characters are encoded and decoded.

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React benefits: A blessing for Businesses?

Reading time3 min
Launched in 2013, React has been successfully used to develop 1,004,124 websites in the past 6 years. The Javascript library React JS is known for giving simple programming experience and improved performance.

It was released by Facebook to resolve the issues of coding and maintenance with their ads. It was developed with an intention to increase and manage Facebook ads traffic. React has successfully delivered the expected outcomes throughout its journey.
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Total votes 4: ↑3 and ↓1+6

Top 10 App Development companies in 2021

Reading time6 min

The year 2020 is coming to a close as getting nearer to 2021. The end of 2020 will be the end of a decade in which app development proliferated, and in which software technology reached greater heights.

But as years come by, the importance of apps is only going to increase even further people begin to use technologies such as IoT, chatbots, AI/ML software in their daily lives.

App development includes more than just mobile apps. It also includes development for applications for other types of devices, such as PC, tablets, wearables, etc. However, the growth of mobile apps alone gives great scope for running profitable businesses in this space.

As per research by iResearch, revenue from paid mobile app downloads and in-app advertising alone reached $581 billion dollars in 2020, and reach almost near the trillion-dollar mark by 2023.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

The RetouchMe Case Study: What We Learned from Localizing an App into 35 Languages

Reading time7 min

RetouchMe is a popular app in which professional designers can edit your photos in 10-15 minutes.
In the US it ranks between 100th and 150th on the top chart for App Store applications (in the «Photo and Video» category).

  • 17 million installs in 150 countries
  • Localization into 35 languages
  • 10-15 minutes average photo editing time
  • An army of designers and moderators in various countries
  • Available in the App Store and Google Play, as well as the Amazon AppStore and the Samsung Galaxy Store

RetouchMe turns to Alconost for their localization needs, and translates updates using our Nitro online service.

The RetouchMe team shared with Nitro how localization helped them reach top rankings in many countries, whether localization into 35 languages paid off, and how to add new features in just 24-48 hours without the need for a new release.
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