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How does a barcode work?

Reading time6 min
Hi all!

Every person is using barcodes nowadays, mostly without noticing this. When we are buying the groceries in the store, their identifiers are getting from barcodes. Its also the same with goods in the warehouses, postal parcels and so on. But not so many people actually know, how it works.

What is 'inside' the barcode, and what is encoded on this image?

Lets figure it out, and also lets write our own bar decoder.
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Total votes 27: ↑25 and ↓2+23

Understanding the POCSAG paging protocol

Reading time8 min
Long time ago, when a mobile phone costed about 2000$ and one minute of voice call was 50 cents, pagers were really popular. Later cellular phones became cheaper, calls and SMS prices became lower, and finally pagers mostly disappeared.

For people, who owned a pager before, and want to know how it works, this article will be useful.
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Total votes 21: ↑20 and ↓1+19

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