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Introducing Time Travel Debugging for Visual Studio Enterprise 2019

Reading time4 min

The Time Travel Debugging (TTD) preview in Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 provides the ability to record a Web app running on a Azure Virtual Machine (VM) and then accurately reconstruct and replay the execution path. TTD integrates with our Snapshot Debugger offering and allows you to rewind and replay each line of code however many times you want, helping you isolate and identify problems that might only occur in production environments.

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Total votes 6: ↑6 and ↓0+6

Analytics For Azure DevOps Services is Now Generally Available

Reading time2 min

Reporting has been an important capability for Azure DevOps customers who rely on Analytics to make data driven decisions.

Today, we’re excited to announce that the following Analytics features listed below will be included in our Azure DevOps Services offering at no additional cost. Customers will start to see these changes rolled out to their accounts soon.

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Total votes 7: ↑7 and ↓0+7

Web and Azure Tool Updates in Visual Studio 2019

Reading time2 min

Hopefully by now you’ve seen that Visual Studio 2019 is now generally available. As you would expect, we’ve added improvements for web and Azure development. As a starting point, Visual Studio 2019 comes with a new experience for getting started with your code and we updated the experience for creating ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core projects to match:

If you are publishing your application to Azure, you can now configure Azure App Service to use Azure Storage and Azure SQL Database instances, right from the publish profile summary page, without leaving Visual Studio. This means that for any existing web application running in App Service, you can add SQL and Storage, it is no longer limited to creation time only.

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Total votes 11: ↑11 and ↓0+11

Announcing ML.NET 1.0 RC – Machine Learning for .NET

Reading time3 min

ML.NET is an open-source and cross-platform machine learning framework (Windows, Linux, macOS) for .NET developers. Using ML.NET, developers can leverage their existing tools and skillsets to develop and infuse custom AI into their applications by creating custom machine learning models for common scenarios like Sentiment Analysis, Recommendation, Image Classification and more!.

Today we’re announcing the ML.NET 1.0 RC (Release Candidate) (version 1.0.0-preview) which is the last preview release before releasing the final ML.NET 1.0 RTM in 2019 Q2 calendar year.

Soon we will be ending the first main milestone of a great journey in the open that started on May 2018 when releasing ML.NET 0.1 as open source. Since then we’ve been releasing monthly, 12 preview releases so far, as shown in the roadmap below:

In this release (ML.NET 1.0 RC) we have initially concluded our main API changes. For the next sprint we are focusing on improving documentation and samples and addressing major critical issues if needed.

The goal is to avoid any new breaking changes moving forward.

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Total votes 17: ↑15 and ↓2+13

Extending Azure security capabilities

Reading time6 min

As more organizations are delivering innovation faster by moving their businesses to the cloud, increased security is critically important for every industry. Azure has built-in security controls across data, applications, compute, networking, identity, threat protection, and security management so you can customize protection and integrate partner solutions. 

We keep investing in security and we are excited to share exciting updates this week at Hannover Messe 2019. We are excited to announce that Dedicated Hardware Security Module Service (HMS) in UK, Canada, and Australia, Azure disk encryption support for Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) are generally available. Also Advanced Threat Protection for Azure Storage, the Regulatory Compliance Dashboard, and support for virtual machine sets are now generally available as part of Azure Security Center.

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Total votes 5: ↑5 and ↓0+5

Visual Studio 2019 .NET productivity

Reading time2 min

Your friendly neighborhood .NET productivity team (aka. Roslyn) focuses a lot on improving the .NET coding experience. Sometimes it’s the little refactorings and code fixes that really improve your workflow. You may have seen many improvements in the previews, but for all of you who were eagerly awaiting the GA release here’s a few features you may enjoy!

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Total votes 11: ↑11 and ↓0+11

Live Share now included with Visual Studio 2019

Reading time2 min

We’re excited to announce the general availability of Visual Studio Live Share, and that it is now included with Visual Studio 2019! In the year since Live Share began its public preview, we’ve been working to enhance the many ways you collaborate with your team. This release is the culmination of that work, and all the things we’ve learned from you along the way.

If you haven’t heard of Live Share, it’s a tool that enables real-time collaborative development with your teammates from the comfort of your own tools. You’re able to share your code, and collaboratively edit and debug, without needing to clone repos or set up environments. It’s easy to get started with Live Share.

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Total votes 9: ↑9 and ↓0+9

Little great things about Visual Studio 2019

Reading time4 min

A few days ago, we announced the general availability of Visual Studio 2019. But I’ve been using Visual Studio 2019 exclusively since the first internal build – long before the release of Preview 1 in December of 2018. During this time, there has been a lot of little features that have put a smile on my face and made me more productive.

I want to share a few of them with you since they are not all obvious and some require you to change some settings. Let’s dive in.

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Total votes 8: ↑8 and ↓0+8

SIMD Extension to C++ OpenMP in Visual Studio

Reading time5 min

In the era of ubiquitous AI applications there is an emerging demand of the compiler accelerating computation-intensive machine-learning code for existing hardware. Such code usually does mathematical computation like matrix transformation and manipulation and it is usually in the form of loops. The SIMD extension of OpenMP provides users an effortless way to speed up loops by explicitly leveraging the vector unit of modern processors. We are proud to start offering C/C++ OpenMP SIMD vectorization in Visual Studio 2019.

The OpenMP C/C++ application program interface was originally designed to improve application performance by enabling code to be effectively executed in parallel on multiple processors in the 1990s. Over the years the OpenMP standard has been expanded to support additional concepts such as task-based parallelization, SIMD vectorization, and processor offloading. Since 2005, Visual Studio has supported the OpenMP 2.0 standard which focuses on multithreaded parallelization. As the world is moving into an AI era, we see a growing opportunity to improve code quality by expanding support of the OpenMP standard in Visual Studio. We continue our journey in Visual Studio 2019 by adding support for OpenMP SIMD.

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Total votes 10: ↑9 and ↓1+8

Microsoft expands Azure IP Advantage Program with new IP benefits for Azure IoT innovators and startups

Reading time3 min

Drawing of lightbulb in protected circle

At Microsoft, we’re investing in helping our customers as they move to the cloud. We see an opportunity to help support companies in this changing environment by bringing our security, privacy, compliance and intellectual property assets and expertise to bear in order to help them be more successful. We’re excited to now take an additional step that expands innovation protections.

Today, we are pleased to announce the expansion of the Microsoft Azure IP Advantage program to include new benefits for Azure IoT innovators and startups. We first announced Azure IP Advantage in February 2017, to provide comprehensive protection against intellectual property (IP) risks for our cloud customers. A trend we saw at the time – and one that continues today – is a growing risk to cloud innovation from patent lawsuits. Last year, we joined the Open Invention Network (OIN) and the License on Transfer (LOT) Network to help address patent assertion risk for our customers and partners.

This article in our blog.
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Total votes 7: ↑7 and ↓0+7

Windows Virtual Desktop now in public preview on Azure

Reading time1 min

We recently shared the public preview of the Windows Virtual Desktop service on Azure. Now customers can access the only service that delivers simplified management, multi-session Windows 10, optimizations for Office 365 ProPlus, and support for Windows Server Remote Desktop Services (RDS) desktops and apps. With Windows Virtual Desktop, you can deploy and scale your Windows desktops and apps on Azure in minutes, while enjoying built-in security and compliance.

Image of women on her desktop in the workplace

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Total votes 11: ↑10 and ↓1+9

Congratulations Imagine Cup EMEA Regional Final Champions: Team Finderr from the United Kingdom! Russian team is third

Reading time3 min

Imagine EMEA group photo blog.jpg

The Imagine Cup 2019 competition is well underway with our second Regional Final wrapping up in Amsterdam, the Netherlands this week. Team Finderr from the United Kingdom took home the first-place title and a spot in the World Championship for their app solution to find lost objects with a smartphone. Congratulations!

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Total votes 7: ↑6 and ↓1+5

.NET Core Container Images now Published to Microsoft Container Registry

Reading time7 min

We are now publishing .NET Core container images to Microsoft Container Registry (MCR). We have also made other changes to the images we publish, described in this post.

Important: You will need to change FROM statements in Dockerfile files and docker pull commands as a result of these changes. 3.0 references need to be changed now. Most 1.x and 2.x usages can be changed over time. The new tag scheme is decribed in this post and are provided at the microsoft-dotnet-core repo, our new home on Docker Hub.

Summary of changes:

  • .NET Core images are now published to Microsoft Container Registry.
  • Updates will continue to be published to Docker Hub, for .NET Core 1.x and 2.x.
  • .NET Core 3.0 will only be published to MCR.
  • Nano Server 2016 images are no longer supported or published.

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Total votes 7: ↑6 and ↓1+5

Building Games with MonoGame

Reading time1 min
MonoGame is an Open Source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4 Framework. It allows developers to create games for iOS, Android, MacOS, Linux, Windows, Xbox and PlayStation.

In this episode, Brian Peek comes on to talk to us about how to get started with MonoGame, and also show some interesting games that have been built with the framework.

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Total votes 4: ↑3 and ↓1+2

Achieve more with Microsoft Game Stack

Reading time5 min

Microsoft Game Stack

Microsoft is built on the belief of empowering people and organizations to achieve more – it is the DNA of our company. We are announcing a new initiative, Microsoft Game Stack, in which we commit to bringing together Microsoft tools and services that will empower game developers like yourself, whether you’re an indie developer just starting out or a AAA studio, to achieve more.

This is the start of a new journey, and today we are only taking the first steps. We believe Microsoft is uniquely suited to deliver on that commitment. Our company has a long legacy in games – and in building developer-focused platforms.

There are 2 billion gamers in the world today, playing a broad range of games, on a broad range of devices. There is as much focus on video streaming, watching, and sharing within a community as there is on playing or competing. As game creators, you strive every day to continuously engage your players, to spark their imaginations, and inspire them, regardless of where they are, or what device they’re using. We’re introducing Microsoft Game Stack, to help you do exactly that.

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Total votes 7: ↑5 and ↓2+3

Announcing TypeScript 3.4 RC

Reading time9 min

Some days ago we announced the availability of our release candidate (RC) of TypeScript 3.4. Our hope is to collect feedback and early issues to ensure our final release is simple to pick up and use right away.

To get started using the RC, you can get it through NuGet, or use npm with the following command:

npm install -g typescript@rc

You can also get editor support by

Let’s explore what’s new in 3.4!

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Total votes 9: ↑8 and ↓1+7

An update to C# versions and C# tooling

Reading time3 min

Starting with Visual Studio 2019 Preview 4 and RC, we’ll be adjusting how C# versions are treated in .NET tooling. Read more below <cut>.

Summary of changes

Firstly, we’re adding two new Language Version (LangVersion) values: LatestMajor and Preview. Here’s how they stack up with the currently supported list of values:

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Total votes 8: ↑8 and ↓0+8

Making C++ Exception Handling Smaller On x64

Reading time8 min

Visual Studio 2019 Preview 3 introduces a new feature to reduce the binary size of C++ exception handling (try/catch and automatic destructors) on x64. Dubbed FH4 (for __CxxFrameHandler4, see below), I developed new formatting and processing for data used for C++ exception handling that is ~60% smaller than the existing implementation resulting in overall binary reduction of up to 20% for programs with heavy usage of C++ exception handling.

This article in blog.
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Total votes 7: ↑7 and ↓0+7

Announcing the Open Sourcing of Windows Calculator

Reading time2 min

Today, we’re excited to announce that we are open sourcing Windows Calculator on GitHub under the MIT License. This includes the source code, build system, unit tests, and product roadmap. Our goal is to build an even better user experience in partnership with the community. We are encouraging your fresh perspectives and increased participation to help define the future of Calculator.

Image of Windows Calculator

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Total votes 8: ↑8 and ↓0+8