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Cool WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) tips and tricks

Reading time3 min
It's no secret I dig WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and now that WSL2 is available in Windows Insiders Slow it's a great time to really explore the options that are available. What I'm finding is so interesting about WSL and how it relates to the Windows system around it is how you can cleanly move data between worlds. This isn't an experience you can easily have with full virtual machines, and it speaks to the tight integration of Linux and Windows.

Look at all this cool stuff you can do when you mix your peanut butter and chocolate!

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Total votes 5: ↑3 and ↓2+1

Lessons learned from testing Over 200,000 lines of Infrastructure Code

Reading time11 min

IaC (Infrastructure as Code) is a modern approach and I believe that infrastructure is code. It means that we should use the same philosophy for infrastructure as for software development. If we are talking that infrastructure is code, then we should reuse practices from development for infrastructure, i.e. unit testing, pair programming, code review. Please, keep in mind this idea while reading the article.

Russian Version

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Total votes 5: ↑5 and ↓0+5

WSL 2 is now available in Windows Insiders

Reading time3 min

We’re excited to announce starting today you can try the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 by installing Windows build 18917 in the Insider Fast ring! In this blog post we’ll cover how to get started, the new wsl.exe commands, and some important tips. Full documentation about WSL 2 is available on our docs page.

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Total votes 19: ↑18 and ↓1+17

Who is stealing virtual CPU time?

Reading time10 min

Hi! In this article, I want to explain, in layman’s terms, how steal appears in VMs and tell you about some of the less-than-obvious artifacts that we found during research on the topic that I was involved in as CTO of the Mail.ru Cloud Solutions platform. The platform runs KVM.
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Total votes 34: ↑33 and ↓1+32

From High Ceph Latency to Kernel Patch with eBPF/BCC

Reading time9 min

There are a lot of tools for debugging kernel and userspace programs in Linux. Most of them have performance impact and cannot easily be run in production environments. A few years ago, eBPF was developed, which provides the ability to trace the kernel and userspace with low overhead, without needing to recompile programs or load kernel modules.

There are now plenty of tools that use eBPF and in this article, we’ll explain how to write your own profiling tool using the PythonBCC library. This article is based on a real issue from the production environment. We’ll walk you through solving the problem and show how existing bcc tools could be used in some cases.
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Total votes 13: ↑11 and ↓2+9

Dozen tricks with Linux shell which could save your time

Reading time10 min

  • First of all, you can read this article in russian here.

One evening, I was reading Mastering regular expressions by Jeffrey Friedl , I realized that even if you have all the documentation and a lot of experience, there could be a lot of tricks developed by different people and imprisoned for themselves. All people are different. And techniques that are obvious for certain people may not be obvious to others and look like some kind of weird magic to third person. By the way, I already described several such moments here (in russian) .

For the administrator or the user the command line is not only a tool that can do everything, but also a highly customized tool that could be develops forever. Recently there was a translated article about some useful tricks in CLI. But I feel that the translator do not have enough experience with CLI and didn't follow the tricks described, so many important things could be missed or misunderstood.

Under the cut — a dozen tricks in Linux shell from my personal experience.
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Total votes 16: ↑14 and ↓2+12

Test me if you can. Do YML developers Dream of testing ansible?

Reading time3 min

kitchen-ci schema

It is text version of the presentation 2018-04-25 at Saint-Petersburg Linux User Group. Configuration example locates at https://github.com/ultral/ansible-role-testing

I suppose that that you make configuration management, not bash. It means that you have to test it some how. Have you ever tested ansible roles? How do you do it?

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Total votes 18: ↑17 and ↓1+16

How to test your own OS distribution

Reading time3 min


Russian version

Let's imagine that you are developing software and hardware appliance. The appliance consists of custom OS distributive, upscale servers, a lot of business logic, as a result, it has to use real hardware. If you release broken appliance, your users will not be happy. How to do stable releases?

I'd like to share my story how we dealt with it.

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Total votes 17: ↑15 and ↓2+13

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